Donate and/or Volunteer!

Join in the mission of Keep Putnam Beautiful to impact
the attitudes and actions of the citizens of Putnam County
in regards to waste disposal and beautification.
In partnership we can continue to advance KPB’s efforts to create beautiful public spaces, reduce waste by increasing recycling,
generate a positive impact on our local economy, and inspire future generations to be wise stewards of all that Putnam County has to offer.
Keep Putnam Beautiful relies on the support of our local community.
Help us by sponsoring an event, volunteering with us, or becoming a Friend of Keep Putnam Beautiful.
Friendship levels:
Steward……….…… $500
What Friendship Involves;
KPB Decal
Monthly Newsletter
Recognition in the Newsletter
Recognition on the KPB website
Friends of KPB will have first choice of location and tasks during events and volunteering opportunities
Friends at the Steward and Benefactor level will have representation on banners at events.
In supporting Keep Putnam Beautiful you have the confidence that 100% of your donation stays in our community
helping to make a cleaner, greener, more livable home for us all.
the attitudes and actions of the citizens of Putnam County
in regards to waste disposal and beautification.
In partnership we can continue to advance KPB’s efforts to create beautiful public spaces, reduce waste by increasing recycling,
generate a positive impact on our local economy, and inspire future generations to be wise stewards of all that Putnam County has to offer.
Keep Putnam Beautiful relies on the support of our local community.
Help us by sponsoring an event, volunteering with us, or becoming a Friend of Keep Putnam Beautiful.
Friendship levels:
Steward……….…… $500
What Friendship Involves;
KPB Decal
Monthly Newsletter
Recognition in the Newsletter
Recognition on the KPB website
Friends of KPB will have first choice of location and tasks during events and volunteering opportunities
Friends at the Steward and Benefactor level will have representation on banners at events.
In supporting Keep Putnam Beautiful you have the confidence that 100% of your donation stays in our community
helping to make a cleaner, greener, more livable home for us all.